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How to wear our striped tops?

During pregnancy

Our striped tops (marinières) are the best pregnancy tops. 

Flared cut, soft fabric and perfect fit are all the elements combined that make our striped tops perfect to accompany you throughout pregnancy.

After pregnancy

Our striped tops are also perfect to wear after pregnancy. Their soft and delicate fabric brings you optimal comfort, very much needed in this particular period. 

After baby delivery, their slightly oversized cut allows you to feel comfortable and beautiful in your post-partum body. 

Its flared cut also allows breastfeeding mums to wear them while feeding their new borns. Our pregnancy striped tops are among our selection of breastfeeding tops (here you can discover this entire selection). 

Before or after

Our striped tops fit every women and every body shapes, the ultimate versatile designed model. Perfect to match with a pair of jeans during winter or with shorts in summer.

How do we produce our striped tops?

Our entire production takes place in Portugal. This is no exception for our iconic striped tops. Since the beginning of Joli Bump, we have place a great importance on choosing trust-worthy and qualitative partners which help us throughout the year to release our collections. 

With them, we have chosen the best high end and eco-responsible cotton fabric that we use to make our striped tops (knitted in Portugal and Oeko-Tex certified).

Joli Bump is committed for a more sustainable world of fashion and wants to be part of it. 

Discover all our pregnancy clothes and accessories in our e-shop!

And also