Mother's Day offer: a free La Bonne Mère tote bag from 100€ of purchase!

What are the « Maternity Essentials » ?

All the pregnancy basics

Our Maternity Essentials are carefully designed to suit to every woman body before, during and after pregnancy providing them comfort and confidence at every stage of maternity. 

…which last after pregnancy

Our range of essentials has been developed with premium fabrics, resistant and very comfortable, that are Oeko-Tex certified and knitted in Portugal with love. 

These qualitative pieces provide you great durability, and not just during pregnancy but very long time after. 

What you need to know about our "Maternity Essentials" pregnancy line

All our "Maternity Essentials" pregnancy clothes are made from sustainable and environment friendly fabrics and allow us to propose you high-end pregnancy clothing. 

You will find lots of other qualitative pregnancy articles by visiting our Joli Bump e-shop.

And also