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How to wear our Joli Bump shirts ? 

During pregnancy

These shirts are perfect for pregnant women. Thanks to theirs loose and feminine cuts, adjusted on the shoulders and nice flared, our Joli Bump maternity shirts will gently show off your body curves evolutions during these 9 months of pregnancy. 

After pregnancy

Our shirts are specifically recommended as post-pregnancy clothes. Theirs cuts and fabrics providing them a perfect fit make you feel comfortable with your postpartum belly. If you wear or wish to wear after these 9 months a belly wraps, it will be completely invisible underneath our Joli Bump shirts thanks to its ideal flared cut. 

Our shirts are also perfect as breastfeeding shirts (also available in our breastfeeding selection).

Before or after

Our shirts fit all body shapes: large sizes, small sizes. You will enjoy wearing them at any time of the year: summer and winter, at work, at home, for special occasion or any occasion.

More details about the production of our shirts

They are all made with love in Portugal, from 100% high-end and sustainable cotton fabrics and Oeko-Tex certified.

By visiting our e-shop, discover many other sustainable maternity items!

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