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How to wear your Joli Bump pregnancy jackets ? 

During pregnancy 

To make you feel comfortable, we have designed all of our pregnancy jackets with sustainable fabrics, Oeko-Tex certified, which bring you exactly what you need in this period when care is the keyword. 

Carefully designed lengths and coverages allow mums and future mums to delicately swath their bump wearing our pregnancy jackets. 

After pregnancy

Designing beautiful and original maternity clothes that you won’t give up after pregnancy is our challenge. Our pregnancy jackets are perfect for the postpartum period as they give you confidence and allow you to cover up your bump, right after birth. 

As high quality fabrics are quite our utmost priority, we have chosen soft materials that are both comfortable for you and your child. These eco-responsible fabrics make them jackets sustainable clothes that are qualitative and will last.  

Before or after 

We create our jackets to allow mums and future mums to wear them during pregnancy, after pregnancy or even before pregnancy. Our original and elegant jackets are made for you, whether you are pregnant or not.

Everything you have to know about our pregnancy jackets

All of our pregnancy jackets are made in Portugal. Organic cotton, tencel or modal are part of the sustainable fabrics that we use to make our pregnancy jackets. 

Adopt and wear slow fashion with our collection of Joli Bump pregnancy jackets.

Be part of the change that you want to see in the fashion industry!

Have a look at our e-shop to discover all our pregnancy clothes and accessories. 

And also