Mother's Day offer: a free La Bonne Mère tote bag from 100€ of purchase!

New chapter.
New body.
New clothes.
We create your maternity essentials,
and eco-responsible.

GENERATIONS - before, during, after

At Jolibump, we accompany all women, mothers, by creating clothes that adapt to their body evolution and not the way around. 

JOURNAL - the blog

7 foods to adopt for a perfectly healthy pregnancy

How to change your diet to stay in shape for 9 months and prepare yourself for a peaceful birth and postpartum?

Jolibump is the first French brand to offer sustainable pregnancy fashion to wear before, during and after pregnancy.

Our pregnancy clothing collection is designed in France and produced in Portugal in partner family workshops which we carefully choose. According to our eco-responsible approach, we are committed to slow-fashion. Our sustainable pregnancy clothes with perfect shapes accompany you during your maternity adventure and adapt to your pregnant body, your postpartum body, a long time after pregnancy and even before. Some of our items have been thought to be breastfeeding compatible. Sustainable fashion has to be adapted to maternity and must allow you to live this adventure free, the way you want. It is our vision and reason to be!